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October 28, 2021

How To Hit The Low Spot

 When you think about refinancing, you may ask yourself, when is the best time to lock my rate? How do I find the low spot to get the best deal? I have only been negotiating rates with wholesale lenders for a decade but in my experiance the best choice has always been the same since I started, choose the lowest rate for free, take it right away, and wait for the next rate drop. 

We never know when its going to be the lowest and the lowest may not even exist. Rates may just fall until they are negative, that is what our CEO Danielle, President Trump and Warren Buffet have been saying for years. So if thats the case, the best choice would to always have the lowest rate for free. 

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Michael call or text 520-523-SOEZ or email

Danielle call or text 520-523-7639 or email